
Welcome to my blog... a place where I share my thoughts and observations of life and this crazy, wonderful world. I write my two cents about how I see things, but I would love to hear your comments and feedback. This could be a safe place for constructive dialogue and friendly discussion. I've always loved Thomas Jefferson's quote, which graces Clark Hall at my alma mater: "Here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it." So "come now, let us reason together" (Isaiah 1:18).

Friday, April 6, 2012

What's so Good about Friday?

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) That's the problem right there. It's what brings us to this day, Good Friday. The day that Jesus, the perfect and holy Lamb, was nailed to the cross. It can be too easy to say the words of what happened without feeling the weight of it.

Think about it. He was tortured and tormented, and nailed up to die for all to see. Far worse than being gunned down in cold blood or many other ways to die. Look at your own hands. Can you imagine the nails?

But He was truly innocent. Even Pilate found no guilt in Him. Rather He died for the guilt, the sins, the offenses of us all. He offered Himself to satisfy the demands of Justice in our place.

Why? Because "God so loved the world..." He loves us so much that He died our death, that we deserved, so that we can have true life.

That's what makes this Friday so Good. And so we remember and ponder in our hearts the darkness and horror of this holy day. And we are thankful as we wait in anticipation...